Les Lyriques d'Azay Le Rideau < atitle="Referencement Google" href="https://www.referencement-google-gratuit.com/" >Referencement Google' Reglement Intérieur | Les Lyriques d'Azay Les lyriques d'Azay Le Rideau
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These Rules of Procedure are updated according to the evolution of the legislation, and in particular the provisions of Decree 2019-1143 of November 07, 2019 relating to the specific provisions applicable to apprentice training centers and to the obligations of organizations providing actions. skills development.

It complies with the provisions of Articles L.6352-3 and 5 and R.6352-1 to 15 of the Labor Code. Criminal sanctions are set out in articles L.6355-8 and 9 of the Labor Code. These Internal Regulations are available and can be viewed by any trainee before entering training.

A copy of these regulations can be permanently consulted on the training organisation&#39;s website: www.leslyriques-azaylerideau.com. Internal regulations are established in all training organizations, including those that receive trainees in premises made available to them. When the organization has several establishments, the internal regulations may be subject to the necessary adaptations, in particular with regard to health and safety at work. When the training takes place in a company or establishment that already has internal regulations, the health and safety measures applicable to the trainees are those of the latter regulations.


PREAMBLE Article 1 – Purpose and scope of the regulations These regulations apply to all persons participating in a training action organized by the organization. A copy is given to each trainee, by email at the time of the convocation. The regulations define the health and safety rules, the general and permanent rules relating to discipline as well as the nature and scale of the sanctions that may be taken against trainees who contravene them and the procedural guarantees applicable when a penalty is considered. It also determines the rules for representing trainees for training courses lasting more than 500 hours. All persons must respect the terms of these regulations throughout the duration of the training action.


Article 2 – Information requested from the trainee According to the provisions of article L6353.9 of the Labor Code, amended by Law 2018-771 of September 05, 2018. The information requested, in any form whatsoever, by a training organization to the candidate for an action as defined in article L6313-1 of the Labor Code, to a trainee can only have the purpose of assessing his aptitude to follow the training action, whether it is requested, proposed or continued. This information must present a direct and necessary link with the training action, and it must be answered in good faith.


SECTION 1: HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES Article 3 – General principles The prevention of the risks of accidents and illnesses is imperative and requires everyone to comply with: – the applicable health and safety requirements on the premises training; – any instructions imposed either by the Management of the training organization or by the manufacturer or the trainer, particularly with regard to the use of the equipment made available. Each trainee must thus ensure his personal safety and that of others by respecting, according to his training, the general and specific instructions in terms of health and safety. If he notices a malfunction of the security system, he immediately notifies the Management of the training organisation. Failure to comply with these instructions exposes the person to disciplinary sanctions. The Lyricists of Azay Le Rideau 1 chemin du Plessis 37190 Azay Le Rideau contact@leslyriquesazaylerideau.com http://www.leslyriques-azaylerideau.com RNA: W371005873 SIRET 90436363700011 APE: 90.01Z


Article 4 – Fire instructions In accordance with articles R. 4227-28 and following of the Labor Code, fire instructions and in particular a plan for the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits are displayed in the premises used by the organization. of training. The trainee must be aware of it. In the event of an alert, the trainee must cease all training activity and calmly follow the instructions of the authorized representative of the training organization or the emergency services. Any trainee witnessing the start of a fire must immediately call the emergency services by dialing 18 from a landline or 112 from a mobile phone and alert a representative of the training organisation.

Article 5 – Alcoholic beverages and drugs The introduction or consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages on the premises is strictly prohibited. It is forbidden for trainees to enter or stay in a state of drunkenness or under the influence of drugs in the training organization. Trainees will have access during breaks to non-alcoholic beverage distribution stations.

Article 6 – Prohibition of smoking and vaping In accordance with decree no. 2006-1386 of November 15, 2006, it is strictly forbidden to smoke in all closed and covered places which are open to the public or which are workplaces. This prohibition applies in particular to classrooms where training takes place as well as to all premises where this prohibition appears. This prohibition is extended to vaping.

Article 7 – Prohibition on taking meals in the training rooms It is prohibited to take meals in the training rooms or in the kitchen which is reserved for the salaried staff of the School of Parents and Educators of Ile de France. 3 It is forbidden to take meals in the common areas (reception hall, corridors, landings, etc.) Article 8 – Accident The trainee who is the victim of an accident – occurring during training or during the journey time between place of training and his domicile or place of work – or the witness of this accident immediately notifies the Management of the training body. In accordance with article R. 6342-3 of the Labor Code, the person in charge of the training organization takes the appropriate steps in terms of care and files the declaration with the competent social security fund.


SECTION 2: GENERAL DISCIPLINE Article 9 – Formalism attached to the follow-up of the training The trainees are required to follow all the sequences programmed by the training provider, diligently and punctually, and without interruption. Attendance sheets are signed by the trainees, per half-day, and countersigned by the speaker. At the end of the training action, the trainee is given a certificate of completion of the training course to be sent, as the case may be, to his employer/administration or to the body financing the action.

Article 10 – Training schedules Trainees must comply with the schedules set and communicated in advance by the training organization. Failure to comply with these times may result in penalties. Except in exceptional circumstances, interns cannot be absent during internship hours. Depending on the places used, the access door to the building may be automatically blocked outside the time slots indicated on the invitation, and it is necessary to signal your presence at the door.

Article 11 – Absences, delays or early departures Any foreseeable absence of the trainee, whether or not he is also the client, and whatever the cause, must be announced and declared in writing, on a free sheet or by email. Depending on the context, the provisions of the General Conditions of Sale of the training organization, the Convention or the Training Contract, the quote, and more generally of article L6354-1 will apply. Article L6354-1: In the event of total or partial non-performance of a training service, the service provider shall reimburse the co-contracting party for the sums unduly received as a result. In the event of withdrawal by the trainee and/or the client, there may be separate invoicing of compensation. Any absence is subject to the written authorization of the head of the establishment or his representatives. Les Lyriques d&#39;Azay Le Rideau 1 chemin du Plessis 37190 Azay Le Rideau contact@leslyriquesazaylerideau.com http://www.leslyriques-azaylerideau.com RNA: W371005873 4 SIRET 90436363700011 APE: 90.01Z

In the event of illness, the intern must inform the establishment from the first half-day of absence. A medical certificate must be presented within 48 hours. In the event of a work or commuting accident, the circumstances must be communicated in writing within 48 hours. The training organization immediately informs the funder (employer, administration, etc.) of this event. Any event not justified by particular circumstances constitutes an offense liable to disciplinary sanctions.

Article 12 – Access to training premises Unless expressly authorized by the Management of the training organization, the trainee may not: – enter or remain in the training premises for purposes other than training; – introduce, cause to be introduced or facilitate the introduction of persons from outside the organisation; – proceed, in the latter, to the sale of goods or services.

Article 13 – Attire The trainee is invited to present himself to the organization in proper attire.

Article 14 – Behavior The trainees agree to observe the behaviors in use in any community as well as the rules fixed by the trainer. They undertake to respect the duty of reserve and discretion allowing the free expression of the group. They impose a maximum of correction and courtesy on each other and with respect to the personnel they are called upon to work with. No statement or attitude that may be offensive, racist, sexist or discriminatory with regard to age or disability will be tolerated.

It is strictly forbidden for trainees:

• take meals in the classrooms

• to have telephone communications outside break times,

• to remove the information displayed on the panels provided for this purpose.

Article 15 – Use of equipment Unless specifically authorized by the Management of the training organisation, the use of training equipment is made on the training premises and is exclusively reserved for the training activity. Use of the material for personal purposes is prohibited. The trainee is required to keep the equipment entrusted to him for the training in good condition. He must use it in accordance with its purpose and according to the rules issued by the trainer. The trainee immediately reports to the trainer any anomaly of the equipment.


SECTION 3: DISCIPLINE – SANCTIONS – PROCEDURE According to the provisions of Articles R. 6352-4 to R.6352-8 of the Labor Code, some of which are amended by Decree 2019-1143 of 07/11/19. 5 (Art. R6352.3, amended) Constitutes a sanction any measure, other than verbal observations, taken by the director of the training organization or his representative, following an action by the trainee considered by him to be at fault , whether this measure is likely to affect immediately or not the presence of the person concerned in the training or to call into question the continuity of the training he receives. Fines or other pecuniary sanctions are prohibited.

(Art. R6352.4, amended) No sanction may be imposed on the trainee without the latter having been informed in advance of the grievances held against him.

(Art. R6352.5, modified) When the Director of the training organization or his representative plans to take a sanction which has an impact, immediate or not, on the presence of a trainee in a training course, the procedure is as follows: follows:

1. The Director or his representative summons the trainee, indicating the purpose of this summons. This specifies the date, time and place of the interview.

It is written and is sent by registered letter or delivered to the interested party against discharge.

2. During the interview, the intern may be assisted by the person of his choice, in particular the internship delegate.

3. The Director or his representative indicates the reason for the sanction envisaged and collects the trainee&#39;s explanations. The Lyricists of Azay Le Rideau 1 chemin du Plessis 37190 Azay Le Rideau contact@leslyriquesazaylerideau.com http://www.leslyriques-azaylerideau.com RNA: W371005873 SIRET 90436363700011 APE: 90.01Z


The trainee&#39;s employer is informed of this procedure, its purpose and the reason for the sanction envisaged. (Art. R6352.6, modified) The sanction cannot intervene less than one clear day nor more than fifteen days after the interview. It is the subject of a written and reasoned decision, notified to the trainee or apprentice by registered letter or delivered against receipt. (Item R6352.7)

When the act has made a precautionary measure of temporary exclusion with immediate effect essential, no definitive sanction, relating to this act, can be taken without the procedure provided for in article R.6352.4 and, possibly, articles R6352 .5 and R6352.6, was observed. (Art. R6352.8, amended) The director of the training organization informs the employer and the funding organization of the sanction taken: – call to order; – written warning by the Director of the training organization or his representative; – blame; – temporary exclusion from training; 6 – permanent exclusion from training.


SECTION 4: REPRESENTATION OF TRAINEES According to the provisions of articles R6352.9 to R6352.12 of the Labor Code, some of which are modified by Decree 2019-1143 of 07/11/19 (Art. R6352.9, modified) For training actions organized in sessions lasting more than five hundred hours in total, the election of a titular delegate and a substitute delegate is carried out simultaneously by uninominal ballot in two rounds. All trainees are voters and eligible.

(Art. R6352.10, amended) Voting takes place during training hours. It takes place at the earliest twenty hours and at the latest forty hours after the start of the first collective session. (Art. R6352.11) The director of the training organization is responsible for organizing the ballot. He ensures that it runs smoothly.

(Art. R6352.12, amended) When, after the ballot, it is found that the representation of trainees cannot be ensured, the director draws up a deficiency report.

Article 16 – Term of office of trainee delegates Delegates are elected for the duration of the traineeship. Their functions end when they cease, for any reason whatsoever, to participate in the course. If the titular delegate and the substitute delegate have ceased their functions before the end of the course, a new election is held.

Article 17 – Role of trainee delegates The delegates make any suggestions to improve the progress of the courses and the living conditions of the trainees in the training organisation. They present all individual or collective complaints relating to these matters, health and safety conditions and the application of the internal regulations.


SECTION 5: COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE The various stakeholders in the training action (customers, beneficiaries, trainers) have the possibility at any time to make a complaint relating to the offers and training services of the organization of Les Lyriques d&#39;Azay Le Rideau or to report to the same organization any incident or malfunction observed during the performance of the service. As part of the training organization&#39;s adverse event management procedure;

stakeholders can make their complaint:

• by e-mail to: François Michel DUGUET contact@leslyriques-azaylerideau.com

• or by post addressed to: François Michel DUGUET Les Lyriques d&#39;Azay Le Rideau 1 chemin du Plessis 37190 Azay Le Rideau contact@leslyriques-azaylerideau.com http://www.leslyriques-azaylerideau.com The complaint will be recorded in a Adverse event reporting form. Each complaint will be studied and a response will be provided to the declarant as soon as possible.

Rules of procedure

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Les Lyriques d'Azay Le Rideau

1 chemin du Plessis 37190 Azay Le Rideau

ASS 1901 Law Registration number: in progress

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